
Time Management for Teaching Online by JANICE MARIN


teaching online is overwhelming! WHY?? There are no set course hours, you work twenty-four hours a day, and seven days a week. Reduce the amount of time spent facilitating and managing your online course

Effective Time Management Strategies Techniques:

Establish an Efficient System for Effective Feedback and Grading

  • Log in often (smaller blocks of time)

  • Clarify expectations, components of assignments, and projects

  • Assess assignments consistently (Create and use Grading Rubrics)

  • Address urgent issues quickly but reduce email/resist urge to respond immediately

  • Manage grades in Blackboard

  • Maintain record of communication and feedback on a spreadsheet

Manage Course Communications, Record, and Reuse

  • Save “gets” (repeat responses to recurring questions that you can: copy, paste, and personalize)

  • Communicate frequently w/concise messages

  • Create “FAQ” out of common questions + direct and redirect to the FAQ

Establish and maintain a schedule

  • Plan ahead by using a schedule

  • Make availability known

  • Use technology to support your workflow and save time

  • Identify weekly activities up front

  • List the frequency of activities and assessments that you have built in to your online course

  • Create a teaching schedule and strategy to manage your time

  • Use a “Course Management Checklist”

Course Management Checklist

First Week

 Send Welcome Email (before the first day)

 Respond to all student introduction posts

 Monitor and respond to Q&A forum (start creating “FAQ” out of common questions)

 Review and respond to student email (remember to direct/redirect students to FAQ)


 Monitor Discussion forums and Q&A forum

 Review and respond to student email (remember to direct/redirect students to Discussion forums and Q&A)

 Grade Assignments and provide feedback

 Facilitate weekly/biweekly Office Hours

 Provide weekly summary/wrap-up of activity (Announcement)

Last Week

 Wrap-up the course (thank students, summarize core concepts, provide closing activity)

 Collect and evaluate feedback

 Reflect on the course and make plans to adjust for the next offering