Lasting Positive Effects of Social-Emotional Learning’s by JANICE MARIN


Meta-analysis studies show that positive effect of implementing Social-Emotional Learning in the classroom lasts months to years after completion. Social-Emotional Learning teaches students how to recognize their emotions, solve problems, and form healthy relationships. SEL improves students academic performance, enhances their social skills, and reinforces avoiding negative behaviors like drug use.

The meta-analysis found that social-emotional learning students:

  • Outperformed their peers academically

  • Performed about 13 percentile points higher than their peers

  • found to exhibit "Significant positive effects" across all demographic subgroups

  • had long-term preventative benefits

Social-emotional learning (SEL) programs teaches students:

  • Emotions, relationships, and conflict resolution

  • How to unite their head and hearts

  • Smart decision making,

  • How to form healthy relationships

  • Goal setting land application of such in other areas of their lives

Broader approach includes systemic factors that consider how teachers:

  • Approach their work and discipline students

  • Interact with families